Provide innovative solutions to industries’ engineering design requirements at optimum cost.
To become a World-class engineering company by 2020 with superior technologies that are able to easily adapt to changing customer needs and comply to delivery expectations.
We are committed to consistently meet customer requirements by adhering to committed schedules, error free delivery of services and consider customer’s responsibility as our responsibility that would merit customer satisfaction through an environment that reflects quality as a way of life, to be lead by top management, its employees and stakeholders.
Your engineer’s man hours in STAAD or SACS can be reduced by preparing the modeling in Tekla by using the Concept drawings.
The model prepared in Tekla can be exported to STAAD or SACS for analyzing.
After analysis if any changes/modifications are required it can be again imported to Tekla to perform the modifications.
So when your design analysis is freezed, parallelly the design drawings will also be finished. This way the engineer’s STAAD OR SACS modeling hours can be reduced.